i used to have a blog whereupon i posted some poems then i stopped and adding to them now seems pretty awkward so heres another blog to post some different poems on occasionally

08 April 2010

"are you happy?" asked arcadianlady

three small words in a simple sentence
in an empty ocean of context
my first reaction was to jump on the defence
"of course i am" my next
reaction was to focus on the worst
of my sorrows. i was left perplexed
that these thoughts - though diverse
were similarly diiferent from the real
world - each a simplistic and perverse
narrative of how i feel
each its own pretense
hidden behind its own spiel

how often do i stop and wonder if i feel happy?
how often do i stop and wonder if i feel?
how often do i stop and wonder?
how often do i stop?

i used to have so much sadness that it defined a part of me
a portion that feels empty now it's dissipated
i have so many blessings and so much to rejoice in
why is it so rare to be elated?
how do i compare with those apart from me
where are the statistics collated
my mean state equates with what others are voicing
if i eschew what's skewed and weighted


want to recycle this rubbish?

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