i used to have a blog whereupon i posted some poems then i stopped and adding to them now seems pretty awkward so heres another blog to post some different poems on occasionally

07 September 2010

a contribution to the last barman poet project

i am the world's last barman poet
i see the survivors drinking the fallout cocktails i create
all seven of us stinking - getting something i found or ate
the "sex in the shelter"
the "schnapps" made from melters
the "vermin hammer"
the "worm-a-jammer slammer"
i make things with sludge and soot
the "glowing squirrel"
the "three-toed foot"
i make drinks so sick and scuzzy
the "iced wee"
the "kami-khasi"
the "orgasm"
the "death spasm"
the "singer pore slime"
the "digger lime"
comrades, you're just devoted to ever liquid i've thought of
but if you want to end it
why don't you just drink the water


want to recycle this rubbish?

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